A Pink Shark

by Violette Ramos

One day there was a little shark named Strawberry Shark. She got that name because she was pink when she was born.  Strawberry Shark went to school but since she was so small the bigger sharks bullied her.  They pushed her around and called her mean names like “potato head”.  They also threw potatoes at her. 

Strawberry Shark became very sad and ran away from school.  She swam for a long time until she got stuck in the sand on a beach.  Violette was walking along the shore and noticed a very tired Strawberry Shark struggling to get free.  Violette placed Strawberry Shark into an aquarium and took her home to help her rest.  Strawberry Shark was grateful for Violette rescuing her and they soon became friends. 

Violette liked to put on her swim suit and jump into the aquarium with Strawberry Shark.  They played tag and hide and seek.  Violette was very good at hiding behind rocks and Strawberry Shark could not find her. 

Strawberry Shark grew into a huge shark with many large teeth but she loved Violette and never bit her.  One day, Strawberry Shark told Violette she missed her family and wanted to return home.  Violette took her to the beach and put Strawberry Shark in the water.  They hugged and Strawberry Shark swam away. 

When Strawberry Shark got to her school, she noticed she was much bigger than the bullies and the bullies also noticed.  She was so big the bullies were afraid of her.  They never bullied her again and they did not dare call her “potato head”. 

Violette and Strawberry Shark would meet at the beach every Saturday to play.  They lived happily ever after. 

The End

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