The Man-Eating Cockroach

One day, while sitting on a bench in the park, I heard leaves rustling behind me.  It sounded like something big was walking towards me.  I did not know what it was but I thought it might be an alligator.  I am not scared of alligators but I knew they liked to sneak up and chomp on people so I turned around to look. 

The man-eating cockroach snuck up behind Nancy and me while we sat on a bench.

I saw a giant brown cockroach with bloody fangs moving slowly towards me.  It was a giant, man-eating, zombie, vampire cockroach.  It had red eyes and it was looking right at me.  The cockroach was much bigger and scarier than any alligator.  I got off the bench and backed away from the cockroach.  I saw it grab my best friend, Nancy, and it swallowed her whole.  It then ate the bench where I was sitting. 

The man-eating cockroach comes after Nancy and me.

While it was chewing on the bench, I ran away as fast as I could and hid behind a tree.  When the cockroach saw I was gone it flew into the air with its gigantic wings.  It sounded like a helicopter as it flew around looking for me. 

Hiding behind a tree from the flying man-eating cockroach.

I ran to the store and got two big cans of bug spray and came back to the park.  The cockroach was still hunting me but now I had a weapon and I stood right under it.  The cockroach saw me and dove to eat me but I sprayed both cans at it and it crashed into the ground.  The cockroach rolled on its back and was waving its legs very fast.  I ran back to the store and brought back a chainsaw and I chopped it in half. 

I sprayed two cans of bug spray on the man-eating cockroach.

When I chopped the cockroach in half my friend Nancy ran out of its belly to safety.  I called the animal patrol to take the dead cockroach away from the park.  Nancy and I celebrated with a victory dance. 

I rescued Nancy by cutting open the man-eating cockroach with a chainsaw.

The End

4 thoughts on “The Man-Eating Cockroach

  1. Oh my!!!! What a hero Violette is in the story!!!! She is also a very gifted author and artist!

    1. Thanks Sherry. Violette is a little old lady in a 6-year-old body. She has a great imagination. She asked to go to the public library this morning but they were closed so she decided to write a scary story instead. I guess it doesn’t get much scarier than a giant flying zombie vampire cockroach. I sat at the computer as she narrated the story. It was a pretty clever device for the cockroach to swallow Nancy so Violette could rescue her with a chainsaw. I wanted Violette to do most of the drawings but she asked me to help on a couple. She’s a riot.

  2. What a fervent mind!! I loved it! And we ALL know that those man-eating, vampire, zombie giant cockroaches are way more scarier than alligators!

  3. Violette has a wonderful imagination and she saved the day, she is adorable

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